Watsonville Mural Archive
Augie WK
Augie WK is a lifelong artist aiming his focus towards murals. More specifically bold, colorful works of art that grab your attention from far away and drag you for an intimate interaction. He has the privilege of being born and raised in the Central Coast, where he’s grown and evolved as an artist. He highly values artistic freedom and hopes to live forever through his murals. For example, he sketched up a design of the word “Sabor” hanging high above people’s heads with a rich tapestry of colors in a serapé pattern. These vibrant colors, combined with the word "sabor" (flavor) represent the culture and essence of Watsonville; the commingling colors holding a mirror up to the vibrant and creative people who make Watsonville unique. It was his gift to Watsonville and he hopes it will stand the test of time.
Augie's Mural Contributions: