Watsonville Mural Archive
Mural at La Manzana Community Resource Center
This mural by René Valdez, painted in 2007, is featured on an outdoor stage in the plaza area of La Manzana Community Resource Center. This mural has 4 vertical sections each telling their own story. On the far left, the first section depicts Latino/a strawberry workers cultivating the land along with Cesar Chavez and a group of strikers. The next panel features faces of youth and adults. In the center top is the logo of the resource center. The fourth panel on the right side highlights Mexican and indigenous traditions- ballet folklorico, the Yaqui deer dance, and la danza de los voladores. On the far right features laborers and revolutionary figures in Mexican history including Emiliano Zapata, a Zapatista figure, and Miguel Hidalgo.
Left panel features strawberry farmpickers